Category Archives: Branch Events

Birth Justice – Maternal and Infant Health in Solano County”

Benicia-Vallejo AAUW presents “Birth Justice – Maternal and Infant Health in Solano County”

WHEN: October 14, 2021 @ 6:30 pm
WHERE: Zoom Webinar – Meeting ID: 813 3867 2544 – Passcode: 274495
COST: Free
Suzanne Antone
Event website
To join the free, public program open Video Conferencing, Cloud Phone, Webinars, Chat, Virtual Events | Zoom.
Click Join Meeting. Enter Meeting ID: 813 3867 2544 – Passcode: 274495
The program will review data shared in the Solano County Commission on Women and Girls (SCWG) Status Report from May, 2020. It states, “Prenatal and birth risk factors in Solano County vary by race or ethnicity, with Hispanic/Latina and African American women being the least likely to access prenatal care within the first trimester. Asian/Pacific Islander and African American children are the most likely to be born preterm and with low birth weight.”

Featured co-speaker will be Dr. Shandi J. Fuller, Solano County Deputy Health Officer, who advocates and administers equitable care so that all children and families live to their greatest potential.

Candidate Forums

We’re cosponsoring Solano Candidate Forums with the League of Women Voters. Benicia is Thursday, Oct 8, 6-8pm. Vallejo is 2 Saturdays-Oct 3 and 10, 10am. Here is the link:
League of Women Voters Solano County YouTube channel at

Public Zoom Impact of Tech Trek STEM Camp in Solano County 6:45 p.m., Monday, September 21

Ready for uplifting news about young women having an impact in Solano County? Then join the free public Zoom program hosted by The Benicia-Vallejo branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) – “Tech Trek STEM Camp – Making a Difference. 

Participants may sign in starting at 6:45 pm; the program starts at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21, 2020.

Individuals may join the Zoom meeting by using the following link:

The Meeting ID is 443 532 8434. The Passcode is AAUW.   CALL JAN 707 342-0620 IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE GETTING ONTO ZOOM!

Book Group

Aug 11, 1:30 pm 2020-ZOOM Meeting.

My Antonia by Willa Cather

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 8997 0563
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Meeting ID: 819 8997 0563
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Stay-at-Home Tea

You are cordially invited to a Stay-at-Home Tea

Make yourself a nice cup of tea… kick off your shoes… and curl up with a good book – your checkbook!

During this relaxing break in your day, please help women and girls by supporting the important programs of AAUW Funds.

Please respond by October 31, 2015 – You may respond by:

If you want your donation for a particular fund, please put the fund number from the list below on the bottom of the check.   Otherwise your donation will be sent to the general AAUW Fund #9110.

Educational Opportunities Fund # 4336                  Eleanor Roosevelt Fund # 9170

Legal Advocacy Fund # 3999                                     Public Policy Fund #4337

Leadership Programs Fund #4339                           AAUW Action Fund #2011

Website donation

  1. Visit the website .  Click on the link Search for a specific program, another page opens with fund options
  2. Under the statement, “I want to make a tax-deductible donation to AAUW of:” fill in each box with the dollar amount you choose to donate, whether an unrestricted gift to go wherever there is the greatest need or a designated fund. These amounts will be totaled in a grey field, “Total Gift.”
  3. Your Impact: Choose if it is in honor/memory of someone and the frequency of your donation.
  4. Fill out all required donor and payment information, following on-screen instructions.

Branch members’ electronic giving is automatically credited to their primary branch and requires no other extra action for it to take place. Any contribution you give, to any program area, will be credited to the Benicia-Vallejo branch.

Refer to the AAUW website, for details on AAUW Funds tax-deductible status.

Thanks for your support to AAUW for the advancement of women. Cheers! And enjoy sipping on that tea.

STEM Day for Girls


STEM Day for Girls, an event for girls from 2nd – 6th grade

Click to download a copy of the flyer.

DATE: Saturday, September 19, 2015
TIME: 2:00PM–5:00PM
LOCATION: Cal Maritime
COST: $10

BrickSpace and The American Association of University Women (AAUW) present STEM Day for Girls. Two workshops, team activities, plus a University tour!

Join us for fun projects involving science, technology, engineering and math.

To reserve a spot call Fary Koh at  707.319.5489.

AAUW Funds Luncheon

Date: October 25, 2015
Time: Noon-3:00 PM
Location: Crow Canyon CC, Danville

Register and pay for your reservation for the luncheon by the Oct. 13, 2015, deadline.
Get mail-in registration form HERE. Register online HERE.

If you are interested in attending and carpooling, contact me, Suzanne Antone,

Tech Trek Potluck

Date: October 19, 2015
Time: 6 pm–8 PM
Community Congregational Church
1305 West Second Street  Benicia, CA

Featured as guest speakers will be the five 8th-grade girls from four Benicia-Vallejo area middle schools who each were awarded $900 scholarships to attend Tech Trek 2015, an exciting week-long residential science, technology and math summer camp held last June at Sonoma State University.