Public Policy

Public Policy Update
Elizabeth Patterson

The Build Back Better bill (H.R. 5376) has passed the House and is now in the Senate. This bill has three provisions that are critical to our mission:

  • universal paid family and medical leave up to 12 weeks
  • an extension of the child tax credit through 2022
  • affordable childcare.

Here are two ways you can help get this important legislation through the Senate:

1. Respond to the Two-Minute Activist (“Take Action”) request from National, and urge your members to do the same. Even though our senators are in support, they need to hear from us that these three provisions must not be amended out.

2. If you have friends or family in Arizona or West Virginia, urge them to put pressure on their
senators to vote “yes.”

Also, the Advisory Board to the National Public Policy Committee is producing a series of webinars on “tough policy issues.” Watch for more info from National to all members.

Public Policy is the advocacy arm of AAUW’s mission and vision. AAUW is a lobby organization at the local, state, national and international level. State and national priorities are defined every two years at AAUW-CA and Association conventions, using the feedback from member surveys, ongoing feedback, and advice from staff on likely legislative action before the Congress in the next biennium. Criteria used for developing the program priorities include viability, critical need, strong member support, and potential for distinctive AAUW contribution.

AAUW Funds

AAUW Funds (#9110) is the name of our general fund, which supports all our charitable work. The programs and funds that you have always known are aggregated into this general fund. The five most commonly supported funds within the general AAUW funds are

AAUW Action Funds

Action Funds support the 501(c)(4) Lobby Corps and the Congressional Record. These donations are not tax deductible.

For more information and/or to select a specific program, please see the website.

Two-Minute Activist

Make your voice heard in Congress! First, take one minute to read about the latest issue in Congress. Then, take one more minute to personalize a message and e-mail it to your member of Congress.

Equal Pay Day

Elizabeth Patterson: Equal pay observance, bills part of march toward fairness