Interbranch community program on sexual assault

RUaConspiratorR U a CONSPIRATOR?
Sponsored by AAUW of Contra Costa County

Sexual Assault
Naming the Unnamed Conspirator

A film with Anne Munch, J.D., followed by a panel discussion
Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014,  1:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Lafayette Library and Learning Center
3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette
Free           Open to the Public         Refreshments

  • Examine societal attitudes
  • Gain insight to challenge this “crime like no other”
  • Learn how you can make a difference

Ms. Munch has twenty five years of experience as a career prosecutor and advocate for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.  She owns Anne Munch Consulting, Inc. which provides training and consulting in sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking.  She directed the Ending Violence Against Women Project, a statewide multi-disciplinary training and technical assistance project in Colorado, and works extensively in the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response programs for the US Armed Forces. Questions?  Contact Diane at