Interest Groups

Until further notice all activities are being held on ZOOM.  At this time our Branch and our Book Group are having month ZOOM events.

Art of Cooking

The members of the Art of Cooking group have decided they would prefer to wait until warm weather to gather outdoors again. This could change if a hostess offers to host a gathering indoors or if Covid conditions change.


Our Book Group Continues on ZOOM during the stay-at-home.  Other group are eagerly awaiting to resume as soon as it is safe!

January 18, 1:30 PM
Selection: HER LAST FLIGHT. Host: Cynthia Seguin
HER LAST FLIGHT takes us back in time to the competitive early days of aviation, Franco’s Spain, WWII Paris, and Hawaii. With a brief stop at the Nut Tree airport.

In 1947, a female photographer and war correspondent arrives at a remote surfing
village on the Hawaiian island of Kauai to research a planned biography of a
forgotten aviation pioneer Sam Mallory, who joined the loyalist forces in the Spanish
Civil War and never returned. His former student and flying partner, Irene Foster, achieved legendary status when she and her plane disappeared during a round-the-world flight in 1937.

HER LAST FLIGHT is widely available at local libraries. However, Spoiler Alert: This book’s
description on Amazon gives away so much of the plot that it ruins its delicious suspense and

Join us either outdoors (back deck of the Benicia Yacht Club) or via zoom:
Meeting ID: 879 4445 2227 Passcode: 177464
One tap mobile +16699009128,,87944452227# US (San Jose)


Bridge Group meets every month on the 3rd Tuesday at 7pm. We play social bridge using Chicago-style scoring (rather than rubber bridge scoring). The hostess provides goodies to eat which are usually snacks of nuts, pretzels, cookies etc. and soft drinks and or wine. The sessions usually end by 10pm. Everyone is welcome from beginners to pros for a social evening of bridge. We accommodate up to three tables and usually the hostess is a volunteer from the bridge group. Two to three days before the bridge date, the hostess telephones all previous players to get commitments to ensure that there will be enough players.

music ensembleMusic Ensemble

We meet Tuesdays at 11 AM. No auditions! Currently featuring Gershwin!
Check us out! Contact: Leslie Lessenger