Birth Justice – Maternal and Infant Health in Solano County”

Benicia-Vallejo AAUW presents “Birth Justice – Maternal and Infant Health in Solano County”

WHEN: October 14, 2021 @ 6:30 pm
WHERE: Zoom Webinar – Meeting ID: 813 3867 2544 – Passcode: 274495
COST: Free
Suzanne Antone
Event website
To join the free, public program open Video Conferencing, Cloud Phone, Webinars, Chat, Virtual Events | Zoom.
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The program will review data shared in the Solano County Commission on Women and Girls (SCWG) Status Report from May, 2020. It states, “Prenatal and birth risk factors in Solano County vary by race or ethnicity, with Hispanic/Latina and African American women being the least likely to access prenatal care within the first trimester. Asian/Pacific Islander and African American children are the most likely to be born preterm and with low birth weight.”

Featured co-speaker will be Dr. Shandi J. Fuller, Solano County Deputy Health Officer, who advocates and administers equitable care so that all children and families live to their greatest potential.