Tech Trek Pot Luck

The Benicia-Vallejo branch of the American Association of University Women will host a potluck dinner to be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 7 in the Heritage Presbyterian Church reception hall located at 1400 East Second Street and Military East Avenue in Benicia.

Featured as guest speakers will be the five 8th-grade girls from four area middle schools who each won an $850 scholarship to attend Tech Trek 2012, an exciting week-long residential science, technology and math summer camp held last June at Sonoma State University.

The five girls attend four local middle schools. Three of the girls are from Vallejo: Camille Clausing and Shalala Solomon, both of Solano Middle School, and Nichollette Nelson from Hogan Middle School.  Jasmine Weis and Faith Baumgartner represent Benicia Middle School. The teachers who nominated the campers and their families have also been invited.

The program always amuses our members as the speakers describe such topics as “What was it like staying away from family for the first time for a week?” and “What was different about studying in an all-girl program with all-interested students?”   The presentation also inspires the audience as the young women answer “What did you learn about how women entered into success in careers in math and science?” and “How has this camp opened your ideas about if and where you want to go to university?”

Come join us for another engaging evening showing the tangible results from the branches major fund-raising effort which promotes equity in education for young women.

Find the first letter of your last name and please bring a pot luck contribution from the category suggested below:

A – F         Appetizers
G – L        Salad / Hot vegetable dish
M – R        Entrée
S – Z         Dessert

Please let Chris Stevens, program coordinator, know what you are contributing just for planning purposes.  Email:  Phone:  707-746-6817.